John Greer caught being very cheerful after Yoga Class |
Looks like Flying Dutchman winger John "Wheezy" Greer is in a bit of hot water. Looks like Greer is all bent out of shape. Looks like John Greer's antics have got his Dutchmen teammates steamed, if you know what I mean. John Greer's been caught doing Yoga. But wait, it gets worse. Good ol' regular yoga wasn't good enough for Johnny. He's doing HOT YOGA. "I like it hot. It's sweaty." Greer said when asked how he got into such a...erm...sticky situation. Some say it's just the latest in a series of strange habits he's picked up since getting together with Jen Aniston. "I've always been interested in Yoga and things like that...Vegetarianism," said the 27 goal scorer over organic bacon and eggs. "And it's good to get stretchy, sometimes, I think."
Greer's guru, Shantalom |
When told of Greer's escapades, his teamates reactions were ran from lukewarm to bikram-hot. "I think it's a lot of nonsense," said Keeper Matthew Maxham. Team Captain David Wheaton was a little more diplomatic. "Look, we were coming down of a great playoff run, and sometimes, when it's over, it's hard to adjust to regular life. I'm just glad nobody got hurt." Perhaps it was Vanna Vong who summed it up best "What's hot yoga?" Hmm. What indeed?
heh heh heh heh